Trivia Tuesday! – Um, I mean – Thursday!

“Remember the days of old; consider the years of many generations; ask your father, and he will show you, your elders, and they will tell you” (Deut. 32:7 ESV).

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Last week, I decided to start a weekly Trivia-Tuesday session in my blog, with the answers coming on Answer Wednesday. This week, I completely forgot. Or, maybe God put it out of my mind? Did God intervene? Did He want me to write about something else on Tuesday? Was my Wednesday (answer day) cleared up so I could write about my wedding? Only God knows. Now I’m thinking of Trivia Tuesdays. And our Monday Social-Distancing Trivia score of 57%. – a far cry from our 65% the week before! We may have cleaned up in the baseball and math categories, but getting a score of zero on Disney did not help (I’m actually a bit proud of the fact we did not know any of the Disney answers. :) )   

Today (or any other day), there will be no Disney trivia here. Most likely no baseball, either. Yet I half wonder, was the psalmist talking about baseball when he declared,  “Praise him for the growing fields, for they display his greatness” (Psalm 96:12 TLB)? But, what I cannot promise is no math (maybe seventy times seven?).

Last week, the questions were directed towards Jesus. My plan is to alternate between questions asked of Him, and questions asked by Him. This week, we’ll have five questions asked by Jesus, with answers being revealed through God’s Word on “Answer Wednesday” (tomorrow, Friday). For today, do your best not to look up the answers. Pick one of these questions – maybe two or even more – and hear Jesus asking the question of you. What is your answer?

Q1 – “If you are friendly only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else?”

Q2 – “Which is easier: to say to this paralyzed man, ‘Your sins are forgiven?’ or to say, ‘Get up, take your mat and walk’?”

Q3 – “Why were you searching for me?”

Q4 – “What do you want?”

Q5 – “What shall we eat?”

These are some questions for you to meditate on. What are your answers? Listen before you answer. Read about mine tomorrow.

“If one gives an answer before he hears, it is his folly and shame” (Prov. 18:13 ESV).