I Do

“The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy”

(Ps. 126:3 NIV).

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We all have significant events in our lives. I would venture to say that every one of them involves someone else. A friend, a parent, a child, a spouse. For me, one of these life-changing events took place twenty-three years ago today. This event wasn’t just a moment in time, it was a matter that spanned a little over two years. Let me explain –

On April 21, 1997, Leona and I jumped on a plane and flew to Las Vegas. We hired a photographer, who doubled as a witness. A minister from the Second Spanish Baptist Church married us in a small chapel in the Imperial Palace Casino (no, he was not dressed like Elvis). A limousine took us to the city hall to register the papers. We had everything we needed to make our nuptials legal, but … there was something missing.

Family – we were missing family. My mom wanted us to have a wedding closer to home so she could attend, but … we could still have a “successful” marriage without family. 

Friends – we would have loved for our closest friends to be there with us, to witness this significant event, but … we could still have a “successful” marriage without friends.

Evening of Celebration – we would have enjoyed a celebration with those we loved, but … we could still have a “successful” marriage without the party.

What was missing? Not the what, but the who. We invited no one to our wedding, not even God. Although saying “I do” was significant, the “event” was not complete until a little over two years later – when we both said, “I do” to God.

Weddings are special. They mark a significant event, a moment in time. A time when two people pledge their heart to each other – sometimes with an invitation to God, but often not. Far more important than the wedding is the marriage. I speak from experience: marriage is different when God is invited to it. So many weddings invite God – yet leave Him out of the marriage. Marriage, I can attest is difficult. Less so when God is a part of it. 

“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places” (Eph. 6:12 ESV).

This lockdown can no doubt add stressors to a marriage. Take a moment to look at your spouse and declare, “You are not my enemy.” The deceiver wants us to be enemies. Do not listen to him. Take another moment to re-invite God into your union. The sooner the better, and if possible, do it together.

Take a moment to look at your spouse and declare, “You are not my enemy.”

And … don’t stop praying together. If you haven’t started, there’s no better time than now. May God bless your marriages, protect them, and be invited to join in.

“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins” (1 Pet. 4:8 NIV).

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