Hearing through the Noise

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27 ESV).

The Stone Church sanctuary, Clark’s Harbour, NS.

The Stone Church sanctuary, Clark’s Harbour, NS.

Yesterday I went over to the church for some quiet time with God. I missed the sanctuary and decided it would be a great place to sit, read, and listen. It’s not that I don’t have a quiet space at home – my study is tucked away in a place that gives me all the quiet I need – but, this is a different kind of quiet. The quiet I can only revel in by sitting in a building set apart to honour God - “God’s House.” I’ve done this for years. Even while I was at Second North River and my study/office was in the church, there were times I just had to sit alone in the sanctuary. Reading, looking at the surroundings, and listening. The Stone Church is perfect for this because it’s one of the most beautiful churches, inside and out (including the missing people). I sense God’s presence when I’m there, and yesterday I wanted to commune with Him. 

I walked over, Bible in hand, talking with God, and telling Him that I was looking forward to our quiet time together. Telling Him I was excited about what He was going to say to me, whether it was through His Word, or afterwards as I quietly meditated. Robert Burns wrote a poem back in the late 1700s calledTo a Mouse, on Turning Her Up in Her Nest with the Plough. This poem has the following line: “The best laid schemes of mice and men.” It’s an old Scot’s poem, and throughout the years, many have modified this line and quoted, “The best-laid plans....” My plan was a good one, but alas, it was not meant to be.

“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps” (Prov. 16:9 NIV).

“Beep— Beep— Beep— Beep….”

“Beep— Beep— Beep— Beep….”



As I entered the sanctuary, there was an incessant beeping coming from our fire-alarm box, with an orange trouble light flashing. I’d forgotten about that – even though I was in a few days earlier and called the company about it. Through some questions, we determined that our phone line was out (the phone line sitting across the street was a very good hint). I called Bell Aliant and scheduled a service time for Wednesday (today). 

Not to be deterred from my best-laid plans, I went downstairs for “my” quiet time (it’s not the sanctuary, but it’s still God’s house, to me). There, I ran into the custodian setting up the vacuum cleaner. He offered to come back another time (a kind gesture), but I asked him to continue. I went back upstairs and read through John twelve and thirteen (Holy week).

But the beeping and vacuuming were too much, so I decided to go back to my study for quiet time with God. He said, “Stay!” He does that – speaks to my mind at times, my heart at other times, and a couple of times audibly (stories for another post). He made it clear that I should not allow the noise, the distractions, to stop us from having time together. His voice is louder than any noise, if I were only willing to listen. This was the message He taught me yesterday morning: There is no noise too loud for Him to speak through. 

There is no noise too loud for Him to speak through.

Take – or should I say, give – some time every day to talk to Him and listen. We have a loving Father who is always willing to share with us, if we do not allow the noise, and our preferences, to crowd Him out!

“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you” (John 14:26 ESV).