It’s No Trivial Pursuit

“You will find me when you seek me, if you look for me in earnest” (Jer. 29:13 TLB).

Trivia Tuesdays. I like the sound of that. Maybe it will become a thing for me (and you). But, let's not get ahead of the game. First, I want to tell you about trivia Mondays. It doesn’t have as nice a “ring” to it, but it’s a real thing. Every Monday night, Oceanview Christian Academy (OCA) hosts an online trivia night (fundraiser of $5/person, or whatever you would like to donate). It’s called Socially Distant Trivia. Many families come together to compete for the prize, a champion banner for your Facebook wall for the week. I enjoy trivia: Trivial Pursuit, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, Jeopardy, and many more. Last night's theme was Easter. With eight categories, I was expecting one to be biblical, but I was wrong. The categories did include Creme Eggs, Bunnies, Basket Case, and Animals from Eggs. Our score was 34/52. You might think 65 percent is not very good (especially since every question is multiple choice – A or B), but it was much better than our 56 percent from the week before!

With my disappointment over no biblical Easter category, I thought, Why not have a Trivia Tuesday – with a biblical theme? But instead of the questions coming from me, I thought I’d invite God – the greatest quiz master of all time – to this blog to give out the questions. 

“How?” you ask.

There were many, many questions directed at Jesus, and that’s where some of the Trivia Tuesday questions will come from. The others will come from Jesus, for He asked over three hundred questions in the Bible. Pursuing God is no trivial matter, and I hope this time of Q and A through God’s Word will bring us all a little closer to Him. 

Let’s get started with today’s category:

Questions the Disciples Asked 

  1. Disciples, “Why was this man born blind? Was it a result of his own sins or those of his parents?” (The Living Bible, TLB)

  2. James and John, “Master, shall we order fire down from heaven to burn them up?” (TLB)

  3. Peter, “Sir, how often should I forgive a brother who sins against me? Seven times?” (TLB)

  4. Nathaniel, “How do you know what I am like?” (TLB)

  5. Thomas, “We haven’t any idea where you are going, so how can we know the way?” (TLB)

Our first trivia set is a bit on the easy side – just to ease us into the idea of Trivia Tuesday.

Many years ago, I used to read trivia in the newspaper, and I’d have some time to contemplate the questions before the answers were published the following day. Likewise, Wednesdays will be “Answer Wednesdays” to give you time to ponder the questions (and answers).  

Let’s learn together, in a not-so-trivial pursuit!

“I love all who love me. Those who search for me shall surely find me” (Prov. 8:17 TLB).