Living within Restricted Borders

“Above all, be loving. This ties everything together perfectly.” (Col. 3:14)

A week ago Thursday, Amanda’s university shut down and decided to run the balance of their classes online (a great decision). Friday, Amanda decided to stay in the dorm and self-isolate and participate in her classes online. Saturday, I thought this situation could get worse, even to the point of restricted access to provincial borders, so I decided I wanted her home (I am not quite ready to let her go). Sunday, I drove to Moncton and brought her back Monday. We have been home together for a week, self-isolating and rarely going out. I have been out for a short walk, Christian still goes to work three minutes down the road, and Leona gets groceries only when necessary. I am considered high-risk, so I don't go anywhere. I am thankful for a dog that I can take for short walks.


Today, I read that my concern from a week ago came into reality. Crossing the NS border has been restricted, and I am now more than thankful that I brought Amanda home. What does this mean now for our family? It means we will have to share the Wii, Netflix, and Amazon Prime (Christian still has his PS4). WOW, even without baseball, we still have multiple entertainment options. (I am taking a moment to be thankful that the border is not closed to the internet. I still have podcasts to listen to). This week I have listened to Timothy Keller and Albert Mohler.

What's the point of all of this? The point is that we are forced to be with the ones we love. Now that is – and should be – a good thing, but being forced could cause unnecessary tensions. By unnecessary, I mean that you have a choice as to how you will react when isolation tensions get high. God’s Word says, “Above all, be loving.” These instructions are for each of us to reflect on. When the other person hogs the computer, be loving. When the other person is watching a blow-’em-up movie too loud, be loving. When the other person is playing songs on the Google Home you do not like, be loving. When someone takes the last awesome cookie your daughter baked, be loving. When the other person ________, be loving! You get the message. Our response to others is NOT based on their actions, it is based on how God loves us regardless of our actions. Be loving.

Our response to others is NOT based on their actions, it is based on how God loves us regardless of our actions. Be loving.

The borders being closed is unfortunate! But, it’s not only the internet that borders cannot contain, it’s also prayer that cannot be contained. I am blessed to have my wife and children with me. Many of you are not so fortunate, with your loved ones being so far away. Pray! Pray continually and fervently. The internet can only travel around this earth, but your prayers travel much further – all the way to the throne of God! We will get through this because God is in control. 

“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” (Eph. 4:2)