“This Too Shall Pass” (Part 2)

“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.” (John 14:26)

This is part deux of misquoted “Bible verses,” and the one that came to mind this morning is “God helps those who help themselves.” This, too, is one of the most misquoted “verses.” Let me share from personal experience (and then from Scripture) why this sentiment is not only untrue but also the opposite of what God's Word teaches. When I was five, I walked into a store close to where I lived and helped myself to a chocolate bar. I received a ride home in a police car for my efforts. God did not help me – well, maybe He sent the police car? More recently, I helped myself to some homemade baked cookies and received the wrath of my daughter (apparently, they were for someone “more” special than me). God was not there to help me. I have, on numerous occasions, helped myself to late night snacks to the detriment of my weight and my health. God did not close those chip bags for me.

cookie theft.jpg

I know this phrase is about helping yourself in positive ways (not about stealing your daughter’s cookies), but the point I want to make is that God desires to help you at all times. Isaiah 25:4 declares,

“You have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in their distress.”

There are many who cannot help themselves, yet our Lord is right there providing a refuge for them. HE does not wait for us to take action, for a loving Father moves towards us in our time of need, in our time of helplessness.

“For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly.” (Rom. 5:6)

God’s Word has made it very clear that there is nothing we can do to gain God’s love, grace, and mercy. HE saw our need (in our ungodly helplessness) and provided the help necessary. In fact, He did this – not because we were helping ourselves – but because we were hurting ourselves. And, HIS help did not end there. After the Christ ascended, He left us with the Holy Spirit as our helper, for He recognized that even with the gift of faith, we would not be able to help ourselves without Him as our counsellor.

There are two (probably more) ways to help yourself: 

1) When you pray (an assumption that you do), and you ask God for help, do not expect Him to “do it all.” Who among you asks a friend to come over to help you move, and then does not help with the move? Ask God for help, and then see how you can work with Him. 

2) Turn your eyes upon Jesus! It’s that simple. Turn to the God who saves, and you will be blessed – with His help.

 “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Rom. 5:8)